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In Tibet, the Tibetan Terriers were referred to as the "Little People", and the term fits them perfectly. They love people, being very sympathetic to the moods of those to whom they are devoted.


The Tibetan Terrier is not a true Terrier. The name was given to them in India because it was a medium-sized dog. The breed is neither hyperactive nor aggressive. The breed is very special in many ways - they tend to be long-lived and are not prone to health problems. They are also extremely intelligent and often seem to reason.


The Tibetan Terrier has a coat that requires care. It is, however, a coat that repels dirt and has no doggy odor - many people who are allergic to other breeds of dog can live happily ever after with their Tibetans. Their double coat does not shed except within itself; therefore, hair is not found on furniture, etc. They are sure footed and have a wonderful gait. They are athletic when you are, but can be real couch potatoes if that is more your style. They love to ride in cars, and their greatest joy is to be with you as a best friend.






Jessica Thibeault and
Georgie Girl
CH Salishan Bluvali Georgie Girl


Georgie Girl All Grown Up At the National Dog Show with Owner/Breeder/Handler Susan Carr

BELOW: Georgie Girl's daughter Amanda  earning major points at the National Specialty Weekend at six months of age (having fun in the ring and then resting afterwards)

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